Nice to meet you! I'm Marilyn.

What if acknowledging the gift we are is essential to creating greater for all? What if the gift of YOU expands consciousness?

Marilyn is a psychotherapist, international speaker, teacher and an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator with more than thirty years of experience in the addiction field.

She is the creator of Right Recovery For You, a unique and radical approach to ending any addictive or compulsive behavior. 

Marilyn's addictions to alcohol, food, and the wrongness of self, and her unwillingness to accept addiction as a life sentence, led her to create this transformative and very different program.

Growing up in an academic family that stressed the supreme value of logic and the scientific method, 

Marilyn knew from an early age that she was not going to fit well in this world.

She was a square peg in a round hole. What others took for granted seemed insane to her. This was the beginning of the sense of fundamental wrongness of self that eventually led her to escape through food, alcohol and adapting to other people’s realities.

At the time, there didn’t seem to be any other alternatives. Some instances of abuse added to her desire to escape. After years of addiction, Marilyn entered a traditional treatment program. While it was helpful in quitting alcohol, the emphasis on powerless, wrongness, and the label of alcoholic became unacceptable to her. She knew somehow that she and others she met in the program had creative and generative capacities that were being denied and damaged by the prevailing belief systems concerning addiction. 

While searching for alternatives, she was introduced to Access Consciousness.

She found pragmatic tools and techniques to empower herself and others to move beyond limiting belief systems. Seeing the vast improvement in her psychotherapy/addiction clients that came from using these tools, she approached Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness, and together they founded “Right Recovery For You”.
Now she travels the world offering others a chance for true freedom from addiction.

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My Favorite Tools


Who does this belong to?

Is the addiction or mental health issue even yours? I’ve been stunned over the past 30 years at how many people take on the symptoms, behaviors and issues of others.

Whether we learn them from our family or culture, or agree to take on a role for our family, or replicate a way of being from someone else, often what we’ve decided is ours really isn’t. Instead of claiming something debilitating as yours – always ask: Is this really mine? If it lightens up at all, it’s not!

What’s right about me I’m not getting?

I realized about 10 years ago that most of what we consider addictions are really secondary addictions. The primary addiction is to judgment and the wrongness of self, and that’s what really gets people stuck in destructive cycles.

What if you weren’t wrong? What if you were willing to ask on a daily basis: “What’s right about me I’m not getting?” If you are having difficulty with this, ask a real friend and be willing to receive the answers. What we focus on tends to grow, so please, focus on what’s right about you!

Here is a clearing I run all the time:

What’s possible (with ________) that I have decided is not possible that if I would allow the possibilities would actualize a totally different reality (with________) Put in whatever you are stuck on – my financial reality, my relationship, my body etc.
Add the Access Consciousness clearing statement 
Find more about the clearing statement here.

It all starts with your choice, there is so much that’s possible.



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