How to Handle Big Pivots with Christel Crawford

Apr 11, 2024

How do you handle big changes and pivots in your life? My guest, Christel Crawford, shares her story of choosing the power of aloneness. She knew she had to walk a different road. Big changes can totally transform your life—what choices can you make towards this? Christel gave us lots of tips on navigating and choosing pivots that create the future you desure!

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Key Takeaways: 

  • What are the questions you can ask and the choices you can make to move forward?
  • What do I want my life to look like?
  • You can build a business in so many different ways!


Christel has been an active facilitator of Access Consciousness for 10 years. She's described as clear, direct and real and she catalyzes choice, possibilities and expansion.

Her favorite things are facilitating, sales, building new systems, and finding creative connections. When she's not doing that, she loves on (or fights with) her partner and creates new things.

Christel is an Access Consciousness and Talk to the Entities Certified Facilitator, an Access Bars and Body Process Faciitator, a business and money coach, an up-and coming author, show host and she's excited to see what's next.

Mentioned during the Podcast



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