It's Never Too Late To Create Beauty In Your Life with Julie Tuton

Aug 14, 2024

In this episode, Julie Tuton embraces beauty in every aspect of her life and provides insights on creating a life that works for her. She reminds us that it's never too late to infuse beauty into all areas.

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Key Takeaways: 

  • You can ask questions over and over again and get different awareness
  • The universe supports you no matter what you choose
  • What's right for you?


Julie Tuton is an artist, jeweler, magical creator, and author of “Beauty in the Breakup”. She is also a mom and has been a Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness for 20 years. Julie uses verbal and energetic treatments to facilitate transformation. Her razor-sharp awareness allows her to cut through to the core of your issues with kindness and caring. She desires to inspire and empower people to be happy, and she loves to create beauty in the world.

Mentioned during the Podcast


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