Clearing The Addiction To Image

 Do you have an image to keep up? A carefully crafted designer you that you present to the world?

Images may seem like a good idea but they keep us separate, not just from others but from ourselves. Ultimately they create loneliness and fear.

Does showing up unmasked seem a little scary? What would happen if you were willing to show up as the real you?

What if hidden behind the image was not something wrong or bad but the gift that you can be for the world.

Is now the time to show up as you? Let’s do this thing!

Listen here for a taste of this call

What's Included?

  • 1x75 minute Video & Audio Recordings 

Languages Available

  • English
  • Arabic
  • German
  • Mandarin
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish

If you would like more information about the clearing statement, go here: 

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$100.00 USD

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