What do you know you haven't begun to explore yet?

The Great Food Escape 


Tired? Eat! Stressed? Eat! Unhappy? Eat!

Has eating become the go-to for dealing with any “problem” or discomfort? (Hence the idea of “comfort food”)

Using food as a solution takes us away from us! Let’s regain our mastery over food!

Please join Betsy McLoughlin and me as we explore the significance and meanings of food and eating. Yum!!

Gift Call - February 27, 11am MST - Your Time HERE

3-part Calls Series - March 10-12, 11am MST - Your Time HERE


Hangovers Aren't Just for Drinkers


What's been giving you a hangover?  It's often not drugs and alcohol - It can be tension with your partner or kids, a fight with or not speaking up with your boss..etc

Ready for a detox? Join me for hangover relief!

March 19, 10am MST - Your Time HERE


Turbulence at the Boundary

You’re floating gently down a river when suddenly, you see rocks ahead, and the water is churning and wild. Help! This happens in our lives, too. Everything seems smooth and under control, and then, out of the blue, there are big changes - things we didn’t expect to happen.

Our lives are upended, and what was stable before is gone. What if you don’t panic? What if you ride out being uncomfortable, knowing this too shall pass? You are far more resilient than you believe. It’s just a wave; you can choose to ride it out with ease.

March 20, 11am MST - Your Time HERE


Unleashing Membership

You know there is more you can be, do, have, and create - but you can’t seem to get there?

The Unleashing Membership is all about freeing you from those seen and unseen ties. What might be truly possible for you that you never imagined?

Coming in April!